


The Art of Surrender

We keep saying we are living in an unprecedented time, and as much as I hate to overuse that term, it’s really the only accurate description of life in this moment.

We have never experienced such an upheaval of so many facets of life all at the same time, and with the added collective state of such deep fear, grief, and pain, it seems like life is almost falling apart. And in some ways, it is.

From an energetic standpoint, what is happening right now is the falling away of everything that does not serve us, which includes coping mechanisms, misaligned jobs, relationships, and ways of being. Everything that is not aligned is crumbling and everything that was hidden is now in plain sight. This includes old buried emotional wounds, pain, and grief from long ago, both individually and collectively.

Read about how this affects our most precious relationships originally published here.

Anna Demouchetlove, grief, peace