“Whatever arises, love that.” — Matt Kahn


Trauma-Sensitive Somatic Spiritual Healing & Sacred Space Holding

All of you is welcome here.


This sacred healing work is based on the fundamental Divine Truth that you are not broken, you do not need to be fixed, and you are whole, complete, and intrinsically perfect exactly as you are right now. That all of you is loveable (yes, all of you). That the intelligent design of your body holds innate wisdom and is the key to everything (connecting in and through your body will connect you to everything else), and that anything is possible. [Take note of your inner voice and the parts of yourself in doubt or disagreement with any of the above statements and bring those into our healing session – they are simply here to be loved.]

The foundation of this work is gaining love, grace, understanding and compassion for every part of yourself, even those parts that you have not been able to accept and do not believe are lovable, because as you will learn through the beauty of this work, that every part of you is doing exactly what it needs to be doing according to your body’s intelligent design and it is all happening for you.

This work will help you connect to your inner wisdom, most authentic self, and deepest healing by connecting you to your Divine body temple through Divine wisdom, simple practices of presence, and the healing frequency of love. 

Through this work you will learn how to love yourself. Truly love yourself. 

To experience this life-changing work, click the link below and receive a free workshop.

Trauma-Sensitive Somatic Spiritual Healing

“The language of trauma is tension and not enough time. And not enough time means not enough space.”
— Angela Johnson, Sacred Mountain Medicine

Nervous system and somatic healing are becoming more and more popular, as many of us are recognizing that as children, we were not taught how to feel our feelings and be present for our emotions, or in many cases we were shamed for or embarrassed by our emotions. We live in a society programmed to shut down and distract from our emotions with food, media, alcohol, drugs, keeping busy and more, and have a deeply engrained misunderstanding of and disconnection from our body’s innate wisdom. 

Even with a “normal happy childhood”, many still have a somatic build-up of unfelt emotions and minor traumas held within the body that show up through both physical and emotional body systems (pain, illness, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, unworthiness), and for those who grew up in traumatic, neglectful, or abusive situations, or went through severe trauma as a child or an adult, the weight of what is being held in the body can feel almost debilitating and there can be deep physical and emotional wounds to “unpack”.

And what is amazing is life and the body’s capacity to present exactly what is ready to be healed (life crisis, looping relationship issues, physical and emotional body symptoms including overwhelm, anxiety and triggers galore sound familiar to anyone?).

What is more amazing is that you don’t even need to know or understand the “cause”, you simply need to connect into your body’s own innate wisdom through full presence for your body, yourself and your emotions.

Yes, this is simple, but it’s not always easy. And sometimes it’s really fucking hard. 

That’s where I come in. 

I will teach you the Divine Wisdom you need to understand the intelligent design of your body temple so you can see your programs, patterns, symptoms, and triggers for what they truly are – a cry for attention from the very innocent parts of yourself who need your loving attention, acknowledgment, and presence so they can heal and return to wholeness.

I will teach you that true self love comes from self-acknowledgement, and this is also the key to worthiness, and you will learn how love yourself in this way; to be present with and hold space for yourself.

And you will learn to be in your body. How to connect in and through your amazing body temple, connect to your innate wisdom and return home within.

Current Offerings:

  • 1, 3 & 5 month Personal Transformation packages

  • Monthly Mentorship

  • 90min Deep Dive Healing & Feeling Session

  • 3 & 6 session healing packages

  • Virtual Personal Retreat via Zoom in your own sacred space: 3hr, 5hr

  • In person Personal Retreat: half day, full day, Weekend, 3 & 5 day custom healing retreat in my sacred healing space

Schedule a free Discovery Call below to talk about options and what may be best for you!

Sacred Space Holding

Be witnessed, be held, find healing.

Through Sacred Space holding, whether individual or group, you will be held in the healing energy of Divine Love. Whether a guided experience is what you need, or simply to be witnessed and held in healing energy and accepted and loved exactly as you are in the moment, this is a transformative process.

Current Offerings:

  • Personal (one on one) Space Holding to move through trauma, grief, transformation or upheaval (virtual or in-person)

  • Custom: Small groups, healing events (virtual or in-person)

  • Events: Virtual & in Person Healing Circles, Moon Circles, Women’s Circles, Drum Circles in my sacred space or yours

Schedule a free discovery call to talk about options below!

Visit me at Somatic Self-Love on YouTube for guided practices, meditations, healing transmissions, and guidance to connect you to your body’s innate wisdom.